What is the edition of the ODR-1 30th Anniversary Pedal and what are the differences to the normal ODR-1? Datum: April 4, 2024 Von: BKU Kategorien: ODR-1 30th Anniversary Weiterlesen
Do Nobels devices have serial numbers? Datum: June 29, 2022 Von: Michael Sanmann Kategorien: All around Nobels, Various Weiterlesen
When was the Nobels company founded and what is the story behind it? Datum: June 21, 2022 Von: Michael Sanmann Kategorien: All around Nobels, History Weiterlesen
How many pedals were built by ODR-1 Ltd? Datum: June 16, 2022 Von: Michael Sanmann Kategorien: FAQs, ODR-1 Ltd Weiterlesen